Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lions Leaving Soon

It's a gorgeous fall day and the boys are lounging on the deck. Simba had a bout of heavy drooling a couple of days ago. I assumed he ate something that disagreed with a critter or bug. He didn't appear to be ill. He just had a lot of drippy drool for a day. I kept a close eye on him and wiped his chin a few times. But he seems to be fine now.
The boys will return to cousin Jason by the middle of October. Although their time here is quickly coming to an end, we have thoroughly enjoyed having Simba and Kink - the nicest lions we have ever met.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lion Load

Sometimes I think Kink requires a bit of extra TLC. So every now and then I pick him up for a quick snuggle. Let me tell you, Kink is a load at 24 pounds. I can only carry him for a few minutes but I think he likes it anyway. He makes a little "pig squeal" if I am struggling while picking him up or setting him down.

Kink has a cute little voice and talks when he comes in from outdoors or if he is hungry. He is the first one to jump in bed at night and is eager for a back or belly rub. In the morning he watches me put on my makeup and shares the sink when he is done getting a drink of water. I hope he has enjoyed "summer camp" with us just as much as we have enjoyed him and Simba.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Channel Surfin'

It's officially fall and that means sports all day Sunday for a while. So Rick and Simba settled in for the Ryder Cup and Seahawks game. Rick even gave Simba a lesson on how to operate the TV remote control. It didn't take Simba long to figure it out since, after all, he is a guy.
Where's the beer and chips?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Summer Sayonara

The weather has cooled considerably so the boys spend more time indoors. We haven't seen a mouse or mole in about a week now. And we don't have a problem with that. It's nice to see Kink cuddled up on the sofa as the gas fireplace burns nearby. In the meantime, Simba stays busy by checking out closets for potential prey or he lounges on some high perch so he can view our movements around the house. On to the season of wonderful color, crispy leaves and sweet harvest smells.

Monday, September 15, 2008

He's My Brother Lion

There is no doubt that Simba and Kink are brothers and very bonded to one another. Surprisingly, there is no jealousy. When I pet or scratch one of the boys, the other stands aside until his turn comes up. Usually there is no sneaking food from the other brother's dish, but it depends on how hungry they are. Sometimes one of them will hide behind a chair in playful anticipation and pounce at the other guy as he strolls by. Kink initiates grooming sessions by giving Simba a head and face wash. I believe they watch out for each other too. Once in a while I have to break up a fight, but boys (lions) will be boys (lions).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Terms of Endearment

Although their given names are Simba and Kink, I have an assortment of names that I call the lions from time to time. Here are just a few:

Sweets. Sweetums. Stink. Lover Boy. Handsome. Kinkus. Lover. Sweet Boy.

I have found that they respond to any name I call them as long as it is accompanied by a hug or a meal. I let Kink drink from the faucet and Simba is allowed to sit on the island countertop. Rick says that I pamper them and he is right. They have been great houseguests and deserve a bit of extra special treatment.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pay Pal Lion

While I was paying bills today, Simba decided to pitch in and help. Unfortunately he does not have a checking account that I can tap. But his moral support is certainly appreciated. I hope he doesn't expect an allowance.

Earlier in the day, Simba set the neighbor dog straight. When that weiner dog trespassed into our yard and barked at us, Simba did not budge until the little rascal headed for home. Kink, on the other hand, retreated for cover in the house.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lion Lessons for Living

The lions are enjoying the warm days and cool nights as we transition to fall. Their days are filled with hunting, hikes, hugs and just hangin' out. Some eating and sleeping too. Simba and Kink have taught me to enjoy the moment and not to sweat the small stuff. That's how they live every day. How wise they are.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mutt Mania

I have not seen Simba run faster. He was outdoors scoping out his next mouse victim when, apparently, he encountered a neighbor dog. Now mind you...this dog is about the same size as Simba...maybe a bit smaller. Anyway, when Simba was eye to eye with this beagle-like hound, he yelped and ran for home. Simba tore through the house like a shot and hid on the deck until the offending trespasser was gone. From what I could see, the dog just wanted to introduce himself. After witnessing Simba's panic attack and retreat to safety, the meek and mild mutt had a puzzled look on his face. Then he continued on his journey through the neighborhood. Now I won't worry too much about the lions taking on animals bigger than rodents.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodwill Hunting

Just when I thought the hunting season was winding down, Simba and Kink decided to hold a competition. On Friday we had a total of SEVEN mice, both dead and alive, brought in by the two lions. At the end of the day it was Simba 4, Kink 3. I have no idea what got into them. Maybe it was that new catnip-stuffed lion toy.

Rick suggested that the boys might be catching the same mice they previously brought home since I always catch and release the live ones. In order to test this theory, we talked about putting fingernail polish on the meeses' tails before depositing them back outside and then we would know if we had a return visitor. We can't decide on color....either "Cocktail Waitress Red" or "Pinkini". Speak of the devil....Simba just strolled in with another mouse in his jaws. This one ran under the refrigerator for refuge. I think we'll go with the pink......