Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodwill Hunting

Just when I thought the hunting season was winding down, Simba and Kink decided to hold a competition. On Friday we had a total of SEVEN mice, both dead and alive, brought in by the two lions. At the end of the day it was Simba 4, Kink 3. I have no idea what got into them. Maybe it was that new catnip-stuffed lion toy.

Rick suggested that the boys might be catching the same mice they previously brought home since I always catch and release the live ones. In order to test this theory, we talked about putting fingernail polish on the meeses' tails before depositing them back outside and then we would know if we had a return visitor. We can't decide on color....either "Cocktail Waitress Red" or "Pinkini". Speak of the devil....Simba just strolled in with another mouse in his jaws. This one ran under the refrigerator for refuge. I think we'll go with the pink......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are really trying to impress you! I have never seen them try so hard to catch mice, maybe they will even loose weight!