Monday, September 15, 2008

He's My Brother Lion

There is no doubt that Simba and Kink are brothers and very bonded to one another. Surprisingly, there is no jealousy. When I pet or scratch one of the boys, the other stands aside until his turn comes up. Usually there is no sneaking food from the other brother's dish, but it depends on how hungry they are. Sometimes one of them will hide behind a chair in playful anticipation and pounce at the other guy as he strolls by. Kink initiates grooming sessions by giving Simba a head and face wash. I believe they watch out for each other too. Once in a while I have to break up a fight, but boys (lions) will be boys (lions).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that picture, and they have always taken care of each other. But you can tell when they are mad at each other, just like boys!