Friday, August 29, 2008

Lion Toys

As you may recall we went shopping for lion toys the other day and found the purr-fect item. Complete with catnip, this jungle cat pleases both Simba and Kink. It should keep them busy on those wet and dreary days when outdoor excursions are limited.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

As Summmer Slips Away.....

Fall is in the air. Sunrise is later and the lions are sleeping a bit longer. The rain has put a damper on hunting time too. I must come up with some indoor activities that will keep the boys exercised and active as the days grow shorter. Maybe we'll take a look at the kitty toys while we grocery shop tonight. I'll let you know what we find.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Kink loves a good, long drink of water from any faucet. If he sees water running, he'll jump to the sink for a drink. He also enjoys lapping up fresh rainwater on the patio table after a downpour. Kate says the boys like to lick up water after someone takes a shower too. It might seem that the lions are not getting enough water around the house. But there are two bowls and their water dispenser located in various places upstairs and downstairs. Kink must be a connoiseur of good H2O. Good thing he doesn't hold out for Perrier.

We had another visit by a live critter this morning. Simba brought in a mouse and dropped him in the kitchen. He ran for cover and Kink helped to chase him out into the open while I trapped him in a cottage cheese container. The mouse was released outside for a potential future encounter with Simba, the hunting machine.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lion Olympics

If there was an Olympic competition for hunting, Simba would get the gold medal. He brought in two mice within a 10 minute period this morning. He was so proud when he dropped the mangled mice on the rug for my inspection. (Maybe ignoring Simba when he brings in a "catch" will curtail his enthusiasm for hunting....fat chance!) Kink was snoring on a closet shelf while all of this activity was taking place. Now if there was an Olympic competition for cat napping......WR and gold for Kink!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Routine Returns

Kink and Simba have settled into a routine after returning a week ago. They both have their favorite chairs and nap spots. Kink is partial to this living room chair and likes to sleep under the guest bed where there is no foot traffic or noise. Simba likes activity and is happy snoozing on a dining room chair where he can see and hear me in the kitchen.

Both lions have a morning jaunt after their breakfasts. I think they have caught at least one varmint each day. The rain does not bother the boys so I always have a towel on hand to wipe them down. Lately I have been helping them pick burrs out of their fur too. Must be from walks in the weeds while hunting for critters. Overall they are content and healthy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Refrigerator Retreat

Simba has been trying to find the ultimate location for a good nap. He tried the top of the refrigerator for a while. I think he liked the high perch for people watching.
When the lions are not snoozing, they are bringing critters home...since Wednesday they have bagged five mice. Three alive and two otherwise. Rick says he will pay them a quarter for every mole they bring home. Kink and Simba could accumulate a nice retirement nest egg if they get busy now.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lion Around

Trying to keep cool in 80 degrees and no air conditioning is a challenge, even for a lion. Simba discovered that the granite countertop is a great choice for beating the heat. Plus it is in the direct path of the oscillating fan.
The boys resumed their hunting habits this morning. Simba brought a "gift" of a dead mouse into the house and dropped it at my feet. At least it was not necessary to chase a live critter around the house. Kink had to inspect the unfortunate prey and gave his brother a lion high-five before I snatched it up and deposited it into the garbage.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bathroom Break

As I was brushing my teeth this morning, Kink decided to jump up on the vanity for a drink. In fact, he pawed the running water for a while before he moved in for a refreshing gulp. Wouldn't it be great if he used the toilet too. I don't think I'll spend any time trying to potty train him though.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Boys are Back....

We welcomed Simba and Kink back to our Ferndale home last night. They seemed to remember everything as if they were just gone for a short time. It didn't take long for Kink to jump into bed with us while Simba surveyed the house for any changes or new smells. Early this morning they went outside to reclaim some of their favorite stakeouts.

I felt a bit sad taking the boys away from Jason last night. They were very content with him. I think Jason will put a "Reserved for Kink" sign on his suede couch as this was where Kink enjoyed being in the center of the social activity. I can imagine Kink watching from his suede seat while Jason and friends yelled at the TV during a sporting event or as they jumped and laughed during a game on the Wii. While Kink was on the couch, Simba was the "coffee-clatch cat" in the Greenwood neighborhood. Simba had no problem inviting himself in to neighbors' homes if they happened to leave a door ajar. Just goes to show you how much these guys like people. And we are happy to have them back for a few more weeks.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Preparing for Lions' Return

I have been gone for over a month visiting relatives and enjoying summer in Michigan. Now we are preparing the house for the Lions' return. We hear that the boys had a wonderful time at Jason's Greenwood neighborhood home...racoons and all. While I was away, I checked the blog regularly to catch up on the latest. I think Jason has a knack for blogging. The slide show, banner picture of the lions and U-Tube insert of "Lion Love" are all amazing.

We travel down to Seattle tonight to load up the boys and bring them back up north. I'll post tomorrow to let you know how the boys react to yet another transition. We are looking forward to their return.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Lion Love

Has anyone seen this video? Its funny. I imagine this is what The Lions will do when KnK come back from Alaska.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lions vs. Raccoons II


Incase you are unaware, those are the sounds The Lions make when surrounded by a family of Raccoons. 

I was peacefully resting after a gruling 9 mile hike with Jessamy yesterday when the lions vs raccoons battle resumed after a one-week hiatus. I opened the back door to investigate the sounds when I saw three Racoons surrounding The Lions. 

I started screaming and yelling and scared off two of the raccoons and both cats but the biggest raccoon stood its ground. Now its Man vs. Raccoon. What did I do? Fight it with my bare hands? No. Throw a rock? No. This challenge was not only for the pride and safety of The Lions, but a turf battle. To keep my turf, I did what mankind did to claim America. I went for the bb gun. 

Shots one and two missed the raccoon but startled it enough to run off. I then rounded up the lions into the house and closed off the kitty door to the garage and the back door About 20 minutes later, they reappeared in the back yard. I watched them, bb gun locked and loaded, from inside the house. It appears to be a mama raccoon and four cubs. As they ran across the back yard searching for more kitty food to steal, I got a good shot off and hit mama. She stopped, startled, and ran off into the neighbor's yard, cubs closely following. 

We won this battle, but I'm sure that's not the last of the raccoons.