Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Routine Returns

Kink and Simba have settled into a routine after returning a week ago. They both have their favorite chairs and nap spots. Kink is partial to this living room chair and likes to sleep under the guest bed where there is no foot traffic or noise. Simba likes activity and is happy snoozing on a dining room chair where he can see and hear me in the kitchen.

Both lions have a morning jaunt after their breakfasts. I think they have caught at least one varmint each day. The rain does not bother the boys so I always have a towel on hand to wipe them down. Lately I have been helping them pick burrs out of their fur too. Must be from walks in the weeds while hunting for critters. Overall they are content and healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Kink look bigger, or is it just me? Fat and happy.