Monday, August 4, 2008

Lions vs. Raccoons II


Incase you are unaware, those are the sounds The Lions make when surrounded by a family of Raccoons. 

I was peacefully resting after a gruling 9 mile hike with Jessamy yesterday when the lions vs raccoons battle resumed after a one-week hiatus. I opened the back door to investigate the sounds when I saw three Racoons surrounding The Lions. 

I started screaming and yelling and scared off two of the raccoons and both cats but the biggest raccoon stood its ground. Now its Man vs. Raccoon. What did I do? Fight it with my bare hands? No. Throw a rock? No. This challenge was not only for the pride and safety of The Lions, but a turf battle. To keep my turf, I did what mankind did to claim America. I went for the bb gun. 

Shots one and two missed the raccoon but startled it enough to run off. I then rounded up the lions into the house and closed off the kitty door to the garage and the back door About 20 minutes later, they reappeared in the back yard. I watched them, bb gun locked and loaded, from inside the house. It appears to be a mama raccoon and four cubs. As they ran across the back yard searching for more kitty food to steal, I got a good shot off and hit mama. She stopped, startled, and ran off into the neighbor's yard, cubs closely following. 

We won this battle, but I'm sure that's not the last of the raccoons. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Jason to the rescue! thanks for saving my kittys, who was bigger the cats or the rats? They can do some real damage if they fight, hope they know to keep their distance now! I am sure the bb gun gave a clear message! When are deb and rick coming back and are they going to take the boys back?