Saturday, August 23, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Kink loves a good, long drink of water from any faucet. If he sees water running, he'll jump to the sink for a drink. He also enjoys lapping up fresh rainwater on the patio table after a downpour. Kate says the boys like to lick up water after someone takes a shower too. It might seem that the lions are not getting enough water around the house. But there are two bowls and their water dispenser located in various places upstairs and downstairs. Kink must be a connoiseur of good H2O. Good thing he doesn't hold out for Perrier.

We had another visit by a live critter this morning. Simba brought in a mouse and dropped him in the kitchen. He ran for cover and Kink helped to chase him out into the open while I trapped him in a cottage cheese container. The mouse was released outside for a potential future encounter with Simba, the hunting machine.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I can't believe those boys haven't dried up the neighborhood of small critters yet! They sure do like to impress you!