Thursday, July 3, 2008


We had thunderstorms and rain overnight so the ground was wet this morning. That did not stop Simba from bringing me another chunky live mouse. Good thing I am not afraid of mice. I was at the kitchen sink and turned to find the frightened fur-ball scurrying for shelter with Simba following close behind. In his haste, the mouse ran and fell off the upper floor landing to the stairs below where Simba was poised to pounce. Since I am getting good at catching critters with cottage cheese cartons, I covered the mouse with a carton and then turned him loose outdoors. I don't think Simba realizes that I am the spoiler of all his fun.

The boys' suitcases are packed and ready to go. They will be moving to a new temporary home tomorrow. Jessamy is going to take them to her cousin Angie where they'll stay for about a week until they can return to Jason's. I know Jason will continue the blog. I think the plan is for Simba and Kink to return here after my visit with relatives. These boys have very special personalities and were a joy to cat-sit. We look forward to seeing them again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet those two are so proud of themselfs, they have never caught so many critters! Hope you have a great holiday and give the boys a squeeze for me. Tell them to be on their best behavior next week!