Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lion Landing

Jason here...

Deb is in the land of strange accents (Michigan) for five weeks, meaning you will have to suffer through Jason's portrayal of The Chubby Lion Chronicles.

Jessamy and I delivered The Lions to Angie's beautiful 1930's home in West Seattle. They recently moved in and are still unpacking, making empty boxes great hiding spots for The Lions.

Similar to my first-time Lion Handler anxiety, Angie had a Lost Lion scare on day three. She couldn't find Kink and called Jessamy in a frantic panic (I might be exaggerating for the sake of a good story):

"EEK! I cannot find Kink! Oh dear, I have not seen him for three hours! Jessamy, you are wise beyond your years. Please help!"

Angie sidetracked, "speaking of years, you have a birthday coming soon. I've heard Jason will be doing something very nice for you. He is such a great guy for you, very caring and understanding. And Cute!"

After a brief silent moment that was slightly awkward, Angie got back on topic. "Oh, back to Kink. Please give me guidance so I may reunite with Kink. I miss him dearly!"

Jessamy, an experienced Lion Handler, giggled and calmly explained, "Oh, my poor, sweet cousin, Angie. What ever am I to do with you? Kink loves to hide in inexplicable locations such as Jason's sock drawer (photo in May's post). Dearest cousin, check all the nooks and crannies of your new home and I'm sure you will find Kink in the quickest of time!"

Angie became overwhelmed with hope and inspiration from the advice of her highly intelligent cousin. She immediately hung up the phone and began The Search for The Lion. Within minutes, Jessamy received a call from Angie.

"Oh my dearest cousin! I have found Kink hiding in a moving box! Angie's voice beamed with joy. "You are quite the gem of a cousin, indeed!"

Ok, I'll end the sappy story. I think I could have gone on forever and bored everyone. Anyway, Angie is a VIP and not able to make regular posts/photos to the same frequency as Deb. Instead, Angie will send me emails while she is at work saving lives on boats (Coast Guard) and I'll post them for her. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was a great story, funney she was so compliementary towards you, Jason! Hope the boys are on their best behavior, tell them mama said so!
Thanks for watching them!