Monday, July 14, 2008

The Lions Return

The Lions were a bit upset after moving from Kitty Heaven to their new temporary home at Angie's home. Lets just say they expressed their frustrations and Angie can't wear those clothes anymore. 

After an emotional exchange (...ahem, Angie and Jessamy) The Lions are back living with me. I'm very happy to have them around. Luckily, they know the area well and were able to adapt quickly. I've got the kitty door open on the back door and garage door so they roam freely through the house, backyard, and garage. The only off limits location is Josh's room which of course is the place they want to roll around and spread their dander. I think they do a kitty laugh every time Josh sneezes 26 times in a row. What does a kitty laugh look and sound like? hummm.....

As evidenced by the following photos, Simba is a WSU Cougar fan. Sorry Aunt Sharon. Per Simba's request, I've opened a WSU college savings fund. Go Cougs!

Simba beat me in a game of horseshoes but later I beat him in arm wrestling so we are even.

1 comment:

Kate said...

So sorry about Angie's clothes....the boys are really rude. It really pisses me off when they do that, glad you gave them back to Jason. and I love the updates and the picts with Simba. Horseshoes and arm wrestling huh!