Friday, May 23, 2008

Dog days

As they were sunbathing on their deck perch, the Lions spotted the neighbor dog for the first time since their arrival. Needless to say, Simba was very interested in watching the dog retrieve frisbee tosses from his owner. But Kink just growled and then ran to hide under the bed. Otherwise not much activity today. I think the boys (lions) are content. They like to have their bellies rubbed and enjoy an occassional cuddle on our laps. They are very mellow and friendly. I am sure this is a reflection of the love and care they got from their mom & dad, K&K.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't thank you two enough for taking care of the boys! Their personalities are as big as they are, and I am so pleased they have shown their real sides so soon to you. It tells me they are happy and content! and I love being able to read up on them! Thank you!