Friday, May 30, 2008

Prophecy comes true

When the lions first arrived, Rick and I talked about letting them sleep with us. Rick said if we allowed that, it wouldn't be long before I have a cat (lion) on my head when I wake up. Well...his prophecy came true this morning. I awoke to find Kink on my pillow above my head. (Not much room for me.)

Both Simba and Kink are not bed hogs and usually camp out at the end of the bed. However, I think Kink had enough of me sleeping longer than his hunger pangs would tolerate. They are very good boys. I am surprised at how affectionate they are...particularly to us strangers.

Also, thanks for your comments to our blogging. I didn't realize the boys were such celebrities. I will be sure to tell them that their relatives are checking on them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I used to let the boys sleep with me, but Kink would always wake me up too early! Or he would claw at my hair! so I would put them outside the door and then Kink would throw himself against the door to wake you up! or they would pick at the carpet just under the door! what brats!!!