Monday, May 19, 2008

The Lions' First Days in Bellingham

[this is an email update from Deb]
Hi Jason;
The cats are doing great. They have been spending a lot of time on the deck and enjoying the birds and outdoors activities. Kink growled when a truck came down the lane then ran in the house and hid under the bed. He's not much of a watchdog. We are still trying to come up with a sleeping arrangement. They figured out how to open the door to the upstairs on Saturday night. So last night Rick put a bungee chord around the handle to make it more difficult for them to open. However, they made attempts throughout the night so we may just have to let them come upstairs. You were right about them liking men. Kink jumped up on Rick's lap last night when he was watching TV. They are good boys and are fun to have. I will take some pictures in the next few days and forward them to you. Take care of that toe.

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