Monday, May 26, 2008

Simba conquers enemy

Simba has protected us from some recently discovered in-house predators.....our area rugs! He loves to attack and wrestle with the various rugs we have scattered across the wood floor. There is no rug too big or small for him to tackle. It is very entertaining to watch him roll around under a rug, with the rug wrapped around his body and between his paws.

Kink had a long and leisurely nap in the sun yesterday further reinforcing his lion heritage. We may have to take him for some sleep apnea treatments though because his snoring was very loud. He seemed to be content and his brother waited for him to wake up before they started the playful wrestling matches and chasing sessions that are now part of their daily routine.

1 comment:

Jason Smith said...

Lions 1
Rug 0

Thanks for the updates and laughs. Keep em coming!
