Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Lions are enjoying the day on the deck watching birds and bugs. It is nap time now. They are both snoozing soundly on cushy chairs. We are still trying to adapt to their wakeup schedule. It seems that sunrise is their desired wake up time. That means about 4:25 a.m. We experiment each night with rigging the downstairs door so they can't scratch or dig into the carpet in their attempts to open the door. I think we will eventually figure out a mutually agreeable arrangement.

They are "sweet boys" as Jessamy would say. They offer plenty of affection to us and each other. Yesterday Kink washed Simba's faced and hugged him for about 10 minutes. It was so cute. I didn't think Simba was a "lap kitty" (lion) until he jumped on my lap this morning while I was on the computer. What a treat.

We know they would be thrilled to go outside without limitations. We will wait for at least another week to ten days and get Jason's OK before we turn them loose into the yard.

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