Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cowardly Lion

The boys have not let our "winter in June" weather stop their outdoors activities. However, yesterday they were exploring around the yard when a sudden cloudburst had them running for cover. Simba made it to the house as the rain came pouring down but Kink was nowhere in sight. Simba was concerned and went from window to window looking for his brother. Finally, Kink made a dash for the door where he found a relieved Simba waiting.

Today Kink is not too keen about going outside again while Simba is stalking the neighborhood black squirrel. He even brought home a baby mole from our adjacent grassy field. Kink, on the other hand, growls at the garbage truck when it comes down the lane and then runs to hide. I guess he is the "cowardly lion" but very sweet and loveable. We wouldn't change him.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Those boys don't change a bit! They melt in the rain!