Monday, June 2, 2008

Simba the Hunter

Now that Simba has conquered the rug population in our house, he started stalking the refrigerator! Simba discovered that the water pipe behind the refrigerator moves when the icemaker operates....obviously a menace he needs to control. So he lays on the floor close enough to the back of the refrigerator in order to spot any suspicious activity. I don't think he's going to outmatch the refrigerator though. And luckily, he is too large (chubby per Jason) to fit behind the refrigerator so we are not too concerned that he will disconnect anything.

Rick and I were watching an older movie last night called "Secondhand Lion". I don't know if any of you remember the film, but it was a moving story about a emotionally neglected boy who ends up staying with his crazy uncles. They get him an old and tired lion as a pet. And they bought a bunch of "Purina Lion Chow" to feed the poor animal. These lions are doing fine on conventional cat food. I bought them some good "Iams" indoor cat and hairball control food. I'm also mixing in some high quality "Wysong" to make their coats shiny.

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