Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Mole - Deja Vu

Guess what. Kink must have discovered a nest of baby moles because he brought another one into the house this morning. For all I know it could have been the same mole that he brought home yesterday because the long-snouted rodent headed straight for that crack between the fireplace hearth and wood floor. I grabbed the mole by the tail and released him into the wild with the possibility of meeting again.

I have been leaving a door open just wide enough for the boys to come in and out of the house at their convenience during daylight hours. However, I may be rethinking that. I certainly don't want any other unscrupulous critters appearing at my feet while I am trying to enjoy my morning cup of coffee. Kink has proven that his hunting abilities are equal to Simba's. Now I just have to figure out how to tell Kink he doesn't need to convince me of that any more.

1 comment:

Kate said...

What a little pooper! Usually they paw it around until it dies and leave it on the front door. He is really trying to impress you! I know they are just loving it there!