Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Plans

The boys have settled into a fairly consistent routine. They are wide-eyed and ready to eat around 6:30 a.m. When their bellies are full, they go outside for a morning walk. Kink takes a quick stroll then returns to the house while Simba surveys the property to make sure all is in order. If he happens to come across an unsuspecting mouse along the way, all the better. The weather has been pleasant but cool. Nothing to write home about. We are hoping for some warmer temperatures by July 4th.

I have made plans to visit family in July. And Rick will follow later so we are making arrangements to transfer the lions back to Jason sometime in the coming weeks. When we return, we expect that the boys will head north back to Ferndale. It is good that they are easy-going and flexible. As I have said before, we enjoy having them. And I know I will miss their sweet personalities while I am away.

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