Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lions Venture Outdoors

Today was a milestone day for the boys. After three weeks of being housecats, we gave them the opportunity to go outdoors. When Simba stepped out onto the driveway for the first time, he started to chatter. We could tell he was in his element. It took less than an hour for him to bag his first mouse (see black blob at the bottom of last picture). When Kink saw the trophy mouse, Simba tossed it in the air to show Kink that his hunting skills were still intact.

In preparation for the big day, I applied some flea/tick protection to the back of their necks last night. Needless to say, they were not happy. They gave me the cold shoulder for a while but forgave me eventually.

The first photo of Simba is courtesy of Rick. My husband is the photographic genius in the family as is obvious by this picture. He couldn't resist joining in the fun this morning as Simba and Kink explored the property.

Kink was happy to sniff around a bit but quickly retreated to the house for a quick nap. It was an enjoyable morning watching the boys thoroughly relish their outdoors excursion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These photographs are amazing! It looks like the boys are very happy in their new home. Kate's mom, Kathy