Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Health Report

The lions are healthy and active. Besides giving them many rubs and hugs, I brush them once or twice a day. They seem to really enjoy it. And they get regular exercise outdoors. I don't believe they have lost or gained weight. Kink is still a chunk to pick up and Simba's belly sways a bit when he walks.

They are being fed Iams dry food along with some Wysong thrown in for shiny coats. As an added treat, I give them a small portion of canned cat food in the evening. I got the idea one night when I opened a can of chili and they almost tripped over themselves trying to get to the kitchen counter. They must have recognized the sound of the top being opened and associated it with cat food.

The boys have three litter boxes setup for their convenience and they always use them...never any accidents. Simba and Kink talk to me throughout the day. They were quiet for the first two weeks of their stay here. But now they do not hesitate to let me know when they want a scratch behind the ears or food in their dishes. They are great house guests. Too bad I can't teach them how to vacuum and clean bathrooms.

1 comment:

Kate said...

now they are never going to want to come back with me! You are spoiling them like a grandma would!