Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Mole

Apparently Kink is tired of Simba getting all the glory for his hunting prowess. So this morning he set out on his walk outdoors and brought back a baby mole....alive! That might not seem like a big deal except that he carried the wiggling mole between his teeth and brought him to me in the house! I was drinking coffee and working on the computer when Kink proudly dropped the frightened mole in front of me. At first I thought he was a mouse, but upon closer examination, I saw his distinctive long snout.
It took about two seconds for the mole to gather his wits, then he took off running. Kink took chase and cornered him in the bathroom as seen in the picture. I closed the door in order to trap him, but the mole squeezed under the door back into the living room. Of course Kink sniffed him out. The mole had found a hiding place in a crevasse between the wood floor and fireplace hearth. I extracted him by the tail and let him loose outside. (Don't tell my husband that I didn't kill him.) All of the excitement wore Kink out. Now he is snoozing, snoring and most likely dreaming of future hunts.

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