Monday, June 30, 2008

Lions' Itinerary

Yesterday was the warmest day so far this year. We had 85 degrees and sun. Needless to say, the lions sought out shady spots to keep cool. For some reason, Simba decided to climb up on the roof of our black car. Here he is stretching and yawning...a photo opportunity I couldn't resist.

We are planning for the boys' transition to a new temporary home while I am away visiting relatives. It looks like we'll take them to Seattle on July 4th where they'll stay with Jason or Jessamy's cousin Angie for a while. They are very flexible and mellow. So I'm sure they'll adapt fine once again. Then I will be a "Chubby Lions" blog viewer instead of a blog writer. NEWS FLASH...Simba just dropped a live mouse at my feet...I have to run!!!

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